Why can’t I just stop?
Source: Kai Pilger, Unsplash
Overcoming addiction is one of the hardest challenges you could face. For some of my clients, they often hear from loved ones “why don’t you just stop” or tell themselves “that’s it, I won’t do it anymore”. Sometimes our internal and external critics get louder and unhelpful.
Most clients when they come through my door, have made genuine attempts to control their use but are often unsuccessful. Unfortunately, these setbacks are exhausting and their “lack of willpower” is often blamed. Here’s some things that you should know about addiction.
Addiction is a complex interaction of environment, psychology, physiology and habits. It is not simply a lack of willpower.
Recovery requires the deliberate and skillful practice of rewiring one’s own thinking patterns (and continued practice changes the brain!)
Recovery skills, like any complex skill, requires lifelong practice so that it is effective.
Before you listen to that harsh inner critic, understand that the skills required to overcome addiction are not automatically built into you and will require consistent practice. Improving at any complex skill usually requires making a good plan and getting the right support. Recovery skills are just like that, and your psychologist can help you make a good plan and provide the right support while you learn how to recover.